Haemoglobin Concentration and Peripheral Blood Cell Counts in Women The Population Study of Women in Goteborg 1968–1969

Hb concentration, PCV [packed cell volume], erythrocyte and leukocyte counts in the peripheral blood, MCV [mean corpuscular volume], MCH [mean corpuscular Hb] and MCHC [mean corpuscular Hb concentration] in a population sample of 1462 women in ages between 38-60 yr were presented. A description was given of thrombocyte counts in 38 yr old women. Significant differences with age were found for Hb concentration, PCV and leukocyte counts. High correlations were found between Hb and PCV in the various age groups studied, while lower correlations were found between erythrocyte counts on one hand and Hb or PCV on the other. There was an overrepresentation of smokers among women with high Hb values and among those with high leukocyte counts. The higher leukocyte counts in the youngest age groups could be explained by the larger number of smokers in these ages. Thrombocyte counts were lower in smoking than in non-smoking women.