Characteristics of Anaemic Women The Population Study of Women in Göteborg 1968-1969

Anaemic women (Hb concentration < 120 g/1) who participated in a population study of women in Göteborg, Sweden were compared to the women in the population sample as a whole. Due to the way of sampling and a high participation rate the sample was representative of women in Göteborg in the ages studied (age strata between 38 and 60). In the same way the anaemic women were representative of anaemic women in the same general population. Iron deficiency was found to be the main reason for the anaemia in the ages of 38–50 years. Except for big menstrual blood losses in anaemic women no reason for iron deficiency could be found. History of infectious diseases was about as common in anaemic women as in women in the total population sample. Sleeping habits, time off work and physical activity at work and during leisure time were similar in anaemic women and in women in the general population. The proportion of women who reported a subjective feeling of tiredness was also similar.