Experimental02+(2.12 MeV) →21+(1.46 MeV)B(E2)Strength and Pairing-Vibration Calculations inAr40

The lifetime of the 2.12-MeV 02+ state in Ar40 has been measured by a pγ delayed-coincidence technique. This state was populated by the (p,p) reaction with 5.3-MeV protons bombarding an Ar gas target. A mean lifetime of τ=150±20 psec was obtained for the 02+ state. This lifetime implies for the 02+21+ transition B(E2)=42.9±5.7 e2 F4. Pairing-vibration model calculations for Ar40 were made using experimental information regarding energies and B(E2) strengths for the three lowest levels of both Ca42 and Ar38. Three kinds of interaction were considered: first, no interaction; second, a phenomenological quadrupole-quadrupole interaction; and third, the Kuo-Brown bare G matrix elements. None of these calculations can accurately describe both the energy spectrum and the E2 transition strengths in Ar40. This result may be an indication of the inadequacy of the pairing-vibration model for Ar40.