ESR and uniaxial stress study of a freely librating elastic dipole

Uniaxial stress along 110 lifts the degeneracy of the three tunneling orientations of the restricted interstitial motion of the HA(Li+) center in KCl:Li+. This phonon-assisted tunneling motion possesses C3ν symmetry around 111. These experiments yield two differential stress coupling coefficients, which is not sufficient for a determination of the elastic dipole tensor. Uniaxial stress along 100 changes the HA(Li+) orientation in a continuous fashion along a well-defined path. An interpretation of the 110 and 100 data is presented. To this end the concept of a free elastic dipole in a stress field is introduced and the statistics of these dipoles are calculated. This permits an interpretation and analysis of the 100 stress data and a third independent linear stress coupling coefficient is obtained. The resulting elastic dipole tensor has a principal axis close to 111. The free elastic dipole model implies that at zero applied stress the Cl2 of HA(Li+) librates freely over a large angle, i.e., that all positions along the path are equally probable. A careful reanalysis of the ESR spectra has confirmed the existence of this librational motion. The Cl2 librates freely with respect to a {110} plane along an almost quadrant of a cone around 100 whose apex angle is 2 × 28.2°. The libration frequency is fast enough to result in a motionally averaged but still anisotropic ESR spectrum.