Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Optical and Absorption Studies of the V1(Li+) Center in KCl:Li+

An interstitial chlorine atom created by x or γ irradiation at low temperatures can be stabilized by a Li+ ion in KCl and form a V1(Li+) center, which is a bent (∼ 8°) Cl2 molecule ion occupying a single negative-ion vacancy next to a substitutional Li+. The two chlorine nuclei are inequivalent, and the internuclear axis is tipped 26° away from 001 in a {110} plane. The angular variation of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) linewidth indicates a further weak hyperfine (hf) interaction with two other chlorine nuclei. One deduces that the nuclear configuration of the V1(Li+) center has the shape of a nonplanar Y, this in contrast to the H and V1(Na+) centers in KCl, whose nuclear configurations are either linear or almost linear. The symmetry of the V1(Li+) center is consistent with the well-known 111 off-center position of the Li+ ion. The optical absorption bands of V1(Li+) are situated at 293, 354, and 618 nm and they are σ polarized. Optical anisotropy can be produced in these bands with 110-polarized light, and a disorientation temperature TD=23.5 °K is found.