The effects of self-radiation damage as a function of cumulative alpha-decay events in synthetic zircon doped with 238Pu and natural zircons damaged over geologic time are compared and interpreted in terms of the accumulation of both defects and amorphousness. The radiation-induced unit-cell expansion and amorphization result in macroscopic swelling that increases sigmoidally with cumulative decay events and saturates at a fully amorphous state. The derived amorphous fraction as a function of cumulative dose is consistent with models based on the multiple overlap of displacement cascades, indicating that amorphization in zircon occurs as a result of the local accumulation of high defect concentrations rather than directly within a displacement cascade. Annealing of point defects in the natural zircons suppresses initial swelling and delays the onset of amorphization. Full recrystallization of the zircon structure from the amorphous state occurs in two stages, with kinetics and activation energies consistent with the reported thermal stability of the amorphous state. This study further confirms that actinide doping is a viable accelerated technique to study or simulate radiation effects from alpha decay on geologic time scales.

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