The athymic nude rat. IV. Immunocytochemical study to detect T‐cells, and immunological and histopathological reactions against Trichinella spiralis

The antiparasite response was investigated after oral infection of athymic nude (rnu/rnu) rats and heterozygous (+/rnu) littermates with 1000 muscle larvae of T. spiralis. No IgM, IgG and IgE antibodies were detected in serum of rnu/rnu rats. Expulsion of adult worms from the small intestine was prolonged (worms were nearly all expelled at days 14 and 91 in +/rnu and rnu/rnu rats, respectively). The yield of muscle larvae in the carcasses of nude rats at day 91 was 33 times higher than in +/rnu rats. In contrast to the strong inflammatory reaction in the parasitized tongue +/rnu rats, no infiltration was observed in rnu/rnu rats. Using an immunoperoxide method with monoclonal anti-rat T-cell antibody, no T cells were identified in spleen, mesenteric lymph node and Peyer''s patches. Apparently, the nude rat lacks functional T cells. As the counts of connective tissue mast cells (CTMC), intestinal mast cells (IMC) and globule leukocytes (GL) in small intestine of uninfected rnu/rnu rats were equal or higher than in +/rnu rats, the origin of these cells may be thymus-independent. In contrast to +/rnu rats, infection of rnu/rnu rats induced no increase of CTMC, IMC or GL. These cells depend on T cells to undergo proliferation. It was inconclusive whether IMC are precursors for GL, or if they represent independent cell populations.