He3Spin Diffusion in DiluteHe3-He II Mixtures at Elevated Pressures in the Semiclassical Regime

Measurements of the spin-diffusion coefficient in dilute He3-He II mixtures are presented. The thermodynamic parameters of the samples are varied within the following limits: 0.3T1.15 °K, saturatedvaporpressureP24 atm, 0.322×104n34.54×104 mole/cm3. It is shown that all samples considered are within the limits of the semiclassical regime. The data are analyzed by considering the reciprocal of the diffusion to be the sum of two parts: 1D(T,P,n3)=1D3ρ(T,P)+1D33(T,P,n3), where D(T,P,n3) is an experimental measurement at (T,P,n3), D3ρ(T,P) is the n3-independent spin diffusion of a He3 quasiparticle as limited by interactions with rotons, and D33(T,P,n3) is the spin diffusion of a He3 quasiparticle limited by interactions with other He3 quasiparticles. Since D3ρ is independent of n3, and D33 is shown to be proportional to n31, a least-squares fit of the data to the above equation gives the experimentally determined values of D3ρ and D33. A comparison of D33 with the theoretical expression gives directly the moment of the effective He3-He3 interaction measured by spin diffusion in the semiclassical regime: V(k)|T,P=Aeak2k3|V(bk)|2dk, where A, a, and b are constants. The measurements are insufficient to determine V(k) uniquely. Calculations using an assumed interaction (which reduces to the interaction used by Ebner at saturated vapor pressure) show a remarkable similarity to the experimental data.