l-Type Doubling in N2O

Doublet separations in nine π—π bands of the linear nonsymmetrical molecule N2O have been measured in the region 1.5–2.4 μ. In addition to the doublet splitting caused by the ν2 motion, it is shown that the parallel modes ν1 and ν3 contribute measurable amounts to this splitting in π states, so that the doubling constant qν is a function of all three vibrational quantum numbers νi. The data fit an equation of the form qvi Qi(vi+1) within experimental error, where i = 1, 2, 3, and the Qi are called the Coriolis constants. The experimentally determined values are Q1 = 1.40×10—4, Q2 = 3.40×10—4, and Q3 = —0.19×10—4 cm—1.