Effect of interstage mixing in multistage culture systems on continuous biomass production

The significance of the interstage mixing on important process parameters of biomass production was studied. The experiments were performed in a multistage tower fermentor and in fermentors in series. The interstage mixing effect can be evaluated under conditions of geometrical similarity, identity of oxygen transfer rate, and identity of dilution rate per stage in the individual stages of both culture systems. Candida utilis was cultivated on a synthetic medium with ethanol as the sole carbon and energy source in the concentration range 10–100 g/liter. Dilution rate, temperature, and pH in each stage of both culture systems were kept constant. It was demonstrated that in the multistage tower fermentor the definite backflow which ensures the permanent reinoculation by adapted cells significantly decreases the inhibitory effect of higher ethanol concentrations on the cell growth and on the rate of ethanol utilization.