Hybridoma growth and antibody production as a function of cell density and specific growth rate in perfusion culture

Steady state metabolic parameters for hybridoma cell line H22 were determined over a wide range of cell densities and specific growth rates in a filtration based homogeneous perfusion reactor. Operating the reactor at perfusion rates of 0.75, 2.0, and 2.9 day−1(each at four different specific growth rates), viable cell densities as high as 2 × 107 cells/mL were obtained. For the cell line under investigation, the specific monoclonal antibody production rate was found to be a strong function of the viable cell density, increasing with increasing cell density. In contrast, most of the substrate consumption and product formation rates were strong functions of the specific growth rate. Substrate metabolism became more efficient at high cell densities and low specific growth rates. The Specific rates of metabolite formation and the apparent yields of lactate from glucose and ammonia from glutamine decreased at low specific growth rates and high cell densities. While the specific oxygen consumption rate was independent of the specific growth rate and cell density, ATP production was more oxidative at lower specific growth rate and higher cell density. These observed shifts are strong indications of the production potential of high-density perfusion culture. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.