Parenchymal cells were isolated from adult rat liver with an enzyme perfusion technique. The single-cell suspension, representing 40–50% of the liver's hepatocytes was suspended in medium and maintained in primary culture for up to four days. The cells were found to carry out glycogen synthesis for the first eight hours in culture after which time the accumulated glycogen was gradually degraded. The ability of the liver cell cultures to accumulate glycogen was found to be dependent upon the metabolic state of the animal prior to cell isolation. Cells prepared during the feeding period from animals on the 8 + 16 feeding schedule had markedly different capacities for glycogen accumulation. Changes in glycogen metabolism were found to be due, in part, to changes in the fraction of cells involved in metabolism at any given time. High concentrations of glucose stimulated the cells to deposit glycogen but the response was reduced the longer the cells were in culture over a 3-day period. This loss of glycogen synthesizing capacity appears to be due to a decrease in glycogen synthetase activity. The activities of pyruvate kinase, hexokinase and aldolase also decrease during the culture period.