Ultrasound screening for chromosomal anomalies in the first trimester of pregnancy

For the last 6 years, sonographic signs for excessive fluid accumulation in the backs of 10‐ to 12‐week‐old fetuses have been looked for prior to transabdominal chorionic biopsy. In 1400 pregnancies, subsequent karyotype analyses revealed 28 cases of Down syndrome. In 15 ( = 54 per cent), a large fluid cushion over most of the back had been documented at the time of biopsy. Only a few chromosomally normal fetuses with the same peculiarity were observed. The cushion was also present in fetuses with trisomies 18 and 13, and in Turner syndrome. Systematic first‐trimester screening for nuchal fluid accumulation seems to be a recommended method for the detection of Down syndrome and other chromosome anomalies in young pregnant women at low risk. It compares favourably with current methods of maternal serum screening performed at 16–18 weeks which require a higher number of invasive procedures.