The life histories and developmental morphology of two species of Gloiosiphonia (Rhodophyta: Cryptonemiales, Gloiosiphoniaceae) from the Pacific Coast of North America

In culture the development of carpospores of Gloiosiphonia capillaris from Baja California, Mexico results in a free living crustose tetrasporophyte similar to Cruoriopsis. However, California isolates of the same species demonstrate direct gametophytic recycling from carpospores without a tetrasporophyte. These isolates are interpreted as apogamous. In tetrasporophytes, tetrasporangia were produced only when nitrate levels were reduced to ¼ normal strength. Tetraspores released and germinated to form discs that produced uprights similar to field gametophytes. Due to differences in development of branches, it was concluded that G. capillaris from California and Baja California are not conspecific with G. capillaris from the Atlantic and therefore California specimens should be referred to G. californica. Carpospores of G. verticillaris from California germinated to form Cruoriopsis-like crusts which produced tetrasporangia only in short days (8: 16 h). Tetraspores released, germinated and formed discs that produced upright gametophytes. High intertidal Gloiosiphonia, previously thought to represent an undescribed species, are morphotypes of G. verticillaris.

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