Tetraspores from Petrocelis franciscana Setch. et Gardn. collected at Rockaway Beach, San Mateo County, California, 11 January 1971 were isolated into unialgal culture with Provasoli's enriched seawater medium at 10° and 15° C, 16:8 daily photoregime, 2000–2500 lx cool white fluorescent lighting. The germlings developed as crustose discs with marginal meristems until about 300–500 µm in diameter when erect multiaxial blades were established. The erect plants grew to reproductive maturity in 15° C but not in 10° C. By the fifth month of growth the erect axes flattened and branched dichotomously. At the end of 7 months the plants were reproductively mature. These cultured plants were morphologically similar to Gigartina agardhii Setch. et Gardn. (subgenus Mastocarpus) which occurs abundantly at Rockaway Beach. Male plants were non-papillate with spermatangia forming on the entire blade surface except at the growing tip and near the stipe. The female plants developed papillae which bore many procarps. Many of these procarps were penetrated and seemingly destroyed by intrusive filaments from adjacent vegetative branches but apparently a number were functional since a number of cystocarps developed on plants in both stationary and shake culture after 5 months. Some viable spores were released and germinated.

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