Angular Distributions and Angular Correlations in the Reaction23Na(p, )24Mg

The angular distributions and angular correlations of the more intense γ-ray components in the reaction 23Na(p, γ)24Mg have been determined at four resonances. Those at proton energies of 310 keV, 515 keV and 679 keV are assigned J = 2-, J = 1+ and J = 3+ formed by p-, s- and d-wave protons respectively. The resonance at 593 keV has J = 2- formed by p-wave protons and is therefore distinct from that in the (p, α) reaction at this energy. The level in 24Mg at 4.24 MeV is assigned J = 2+ and that at 5.26 MeV J = 3, probably with odd parity.

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