Proton decay and cosmology strongly constrain the minimal SU(5) supergravity model

We present the results of an extensive exploration of the five-dimensional parameter space of the minimal SU(5) supergravity model, including the constraints of a long enough proton lifetime (τp>1×1032 yr) and a small enough neutralino cosmological relic density (Ωχh021). We find that the combined effect of these two constraints is quite severe, although still leaving a small region of parameter space with mg̃,q̃<1 TeV. The allowed values of the proton lifetime extend up to τp1×1033 yr and should be fully explored by the SuperKamiokande experiment. The proton lifetime cut also entails the following mass correlations and bounds: mh110 GeV, mχ12mχ200.15mg̃, mχ20mχ1+, and mχ<85(115) GeV, mχ20,χ1+<165 (225) GeV for α3=0.113 (0.120). Finally, the combined proton decay and cosmology constraints predict that if mh75(80) GeV then mχ1+90(110) GeV for α3=0.113(0.120). Thus, if this model is correct, at least one of these particles will likely be observed at the CERN e+e collider LEP II.
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