Wheat Germ Agglutinin-Gold as A Novel Marker for Mesectoderm Formation in Mouse Embryos CulturedIn Vitro

The routes of movement of mesectoderm cells in mammalian embryos have not yet been investigated experimentally due to technical problems. However, the recent development of in vitro culture methods have made an experimental approach to this problem in mouse and rat embryos possible. We have used combined lectin and colloidalgold (WGA-Au) probe as a nontraumatic, easily detectable mesectaderm marker. The probe is introduced into the amniotic cavity by microinjection. All of the cells lining the cavity, including the mesectoderm precursors, phagocytose the colloidal gold, which is then stored in membrane bound vesicles. The probe remains inside the target mesectoderm cells after their migration into the mesoderm compartment. Vesicles containing gold are detectable in both ultrathin and semithin sections. The applicability of WGA-HRP as a probe was also assessed because of the many properties it shares with WGA-Au, but it proved to be unsatisfactory for this purpose because it is transfed between cells and also to the extracellular spaces.