A thermosphere/ionosphere general circulation model with coupled electrodynamics

A new simulation model of upper atmospheric dynamics is presented that includes self‐consistent electrodynamic interactions between the thermosphere and ionosphere. This model, which we call the National Center for Atmospheric Research thermosphere‐ionosphere‐electrodynamic general circulation model (NCAR/TIE‐GCM), calculates the dynamo effects of thermospheric winds, and uses the resultant electric fields and currents in calculating the neutral and plasma dynamics. A realistic geomagnetic field geometry is used. Sample simulations for solar maximum equinox conditions illustrate two previously predicted effects of the feedback. Near the magnetic equator, the afternoon uplift of the ionosphere by an eastward electric field reduces ion drag on the neutral wind, so that relatively strong eastward winds can occur in the evening. In addition, a vertical electric field is generated by the low‐latitude wind, which produces east‐west plasma drifts in the same direction as the wind, further reducing the ion drag and resulting in stronger zonal winds.