Interplay between transport, magnetic, and ordering phenomena inSm1xCaxMnO3

We present the detailed study of Sm1xCaxMnO3 with 0.3<~x<~1 probed by electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power, magnetic susceptibility, and thermal conductivity measurements between 10 and 320 K. The transport and thermal data are analyzed supposing polaronic carriers and explanation of experimental results is made in coherence with ordering phenomena recently evidenced by electron diffraction and lattice imaging. Sample Sm0.7Ca0.3MnO3 an is insulating ferromagnet without any obvious transport anomalies at TC95K. Contrary to that, the compounds with 0.4<~x<~0.75 exhibit, at critical temperature Tcrit, distinct anomalies in transport and magnetism. Respecting the recent electron microscopy results, these anomalies can be associated to the real space charge ordering of Mn3+/Mn4+ ions, i.e., Tcrit=TCO. Our experimental data indicate, however, that long-range antiferromagnetic order likely develops at TN130K, i.e., well below TCO. The Sm0.2Ca0.8MnO3 sample is a C-type antiferromagnet with p-type conductivity at low temperatures. For the samples with x0.9, the paramagnetic highly conducting state is replaced below Tcrit=110K by a “cluster glass” ferromagnetic state. The series is completed by a G-type CaMnO3 antiferromagnet with TN=122K. In all studied samples, the heat is conducted mainly by phonons with the mean free path critically limited in dependence of composition and temperature by scattering on impurities (Sm/Ca substitution), dynamic and/or static Jahn-Teller modes and spin fluctuations. Nevertheless, for the samples with 0.6<~x<~0.9, which exhibit high electrical resistivity in the paramagnetic state, the thermal conductivity at room temperature comprises significant electronic contribution.