Transition from a paramagnetic metallic to a cluster glass metallic state in electron-doped perovskite manganites

The study of Mn(IV)-rich manganites Ca1xSmxMnO3 with low electron content corresponding to 0<~x<~0.12 demonstrates the large difference of their electronic and magnetic properties with that of Mn(III)-rich manganites. In particular, a metalliclike temperature dependence of the resistivity (ρ) is observed above TC, the smallest room-temperature ρ=103Ωcm being reached for x=0.12. However increasing hopping energy with x suggests the creation of small polarons as eg electrons are injected into the Mn(IV) matrix. The thermopower (S) measurements confirm the increase of carriers with x and can be described within a single-band metal model. The ρ(T) and S(T) curves exhibit also a transition at a fixed temperature Tp110K for 0.075<~x<~0.12. Tp is related to the appearance of a ferromagnetic component as shown from T-dependent magnetization. Nevertheless, the ac-χ measurements reveal a complex behavior. CaMnO3 exhibits a weak ferromagnetic component (TC=122K) whereas for Ca1xSmxMnO3 (0<x<~0.12) the χ(T) curves are characterized by large bumps at Tm with Tm<TC. Moreover, the shapes of the latter are found to be hac dependent and Tm is also frequency dependent as shown from χ(T) curves. The magnetization measurements indicate a cluster glass state below TC and demonstrate the lack of long-range ferromagnetism in these electron-doped manganites.