10ħωshell-model description of theT=0spectrum ofHe4using modified Sussex matrix elements

The T=0 states of He4 are investigated in complete Nħω shell-model spaces with 3≤N≤10 using a realistic two-body interaction based on the Sussex matrix elements. It is found that it is possible to describe the ground-state properties and the T=0 excited spectrum of this nucleus in a consistent manner provided the model space is enlarged up to 10ħω of oscillator excitation. In particular, the lowest 1 state appears in our 10ħω spectrum with an excitation energy comparable to the energy of 24.1 MeV favored by recent experimental investigations of the reaction (d2,p)3H. Moreover, the D-state admixture of the large-basis ground-state wave function amounts to 4.7%, in fair agreement with the value deduced from recent analyzing power measurements of the reaction (d2)4He.