Charge-state-dependent diffusion and carrier-emission-limited drift of iron in silicon
- 17 February 1992
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review Letters
- Vol. 68 (7) , 978-981
The behavior of iron in silicon during low-temperature annealing was studied. The influence of electric fields on the underlying defect reactions is detailed. The depth profiles reveal outdiffusion and no precipitation in the bulk up to 470 K. In the presence of electric fields, the kinetics differ considerably and can be understood in terms of carrier-emission-limited iron drift. Consequences of this mechanism are discussed. The outdiffusion and drift data indicate a charge-state-dependent diffusion mechanism, in contrast to the generally accepted lack of any charge-state effect.
This publication has 11 references indexed in Scilit:
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