Femtosecond studies of the phase transition inTi2O3

We report femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe DECP experiments using a colliding pulse mode-locked laser performed on Ti2 O3 as the sample lattice temperature TL is raised from 300 K through the ‘‘soft transition’’ at 450 K to a temperature of 570 K. We have observed DECP spectra through the transition, with oscillations in reflectivity of a few percent associated with the low frequency A1g mode. A thermodynamic relation is found between the low frequency A1g equilibrium displacement and the number of excited electrons removed from the valence band. When applied to TL-dependent equilibrium coordinate data for Ti2 O3 obtained in x-ray experiments, the theory allows a determination of the band overlap vs lattice temperature. The band overlap at TL=621 K is found to be ∼0.06 eV. The A1g mode frequency νph, the electronic relaxation rate (1/τel), and the phonon relaxation rate (1/τph) have all been followed through the transition. νph decreases, and shows a partial recovery in agreement with other Raman studies. The behavior of (1/τel) can be understood as due to an increase in available states for interband electron-phonon scattering as the band crossing takes place. Applying a deformation potential model to the data for (1/τel) before band crossing, with the low frequency A1g mode as the dominant scattering mechanism, a value of |D|≃2.0 eV is obtained for the valence band deformation potential associated with this mode. (1/τph) does not show a clearcut correlation with bandcrossing due to greater scatter in the data. The temperature dependence is partially explained by the two-phonon decay of the coherent phonon excited in DECP, and may also have a component due to interaction with hot electrons as well as a dephasing contribution. © 1996 The American Physical Society.