The author presents a comprehensive review of experimental observations and changing concepts concerning the relationship of renal function to gout. Recent knowledge of the role of the kidney in the pathogenesis and treatment of this disease has been summarized. Topics that are discussed include urate excretion in normal and gouty individuals, renal dysfunction in patients with gout, primary renal gout and the pharmacology of uricosuric agents. Le autor presenta un revista comprehensive del observationes experimental e del cambiante conceptos in re le relation inter function renal e gutta. Le cognoscentias currente in re le rolo del ren in le pathogenese e le tractamento de iste morbo es summarisate. Le themas discutite include le excretion de urato in individuos normal e guttose, le dysfunction renal in guttosos, primari gutta renal, e le pharmacologia de agentes uricosuric.