Genetic studies of autoimmunity and retrovirus expression in crosses of New Zealand black mice. II. The viral envelope glycoprotein gp70.

The retroviral envelope glycoprotein, gp70 was measured in the serum of New Zealand Black (NZB) and SWR mice and the progeny of their crosses. The serum gp70 values segregated to NZB-like and SWR-like levels in these mice. A complex mechanism determined the inheritance of NZB-like serum gp70 levels. The factors determining the expression of this retrovial protein were independent of the genes (Nzv-1 and Nzv-2) that determined the expression of infectious xenotropic virus. Autoimmune disease, including immune deposit nephritis could be dissociated from the degree of expression of serum gp70. Presence of circulating immune complexes and anti-DNA antibody correlated with the development of nephritis in these crosses. A significant correlation was found between high grad expression of serum gp70 and the presence of lymphomas in these mice.