Nuclear moments ofLi9

The ground-state magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of the β emitter Li9 (Jπ=32, T12=0.176 s) have been measured for the first time. Polarized Li9 nuclei were produced in the Li7(t, p) reaction, using 5-6 MeV polarized tritons. The recoiling Li9 nuclei were stopped either in Au foils or in LiNbO3 single crystals, and their polarization was detected by measuring the β-decay asymmetry. Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques were used to depolarize the nuclei, and the resonant frequencies were deduced from changes in the asymmetry. The Li9 dipole moment was deduced from the measured Larmor frequency in Au; the result, including corrections for diamagnetic shielding and the Knight shift, is |μ|=3.4391(6) μN. The ratio of the Li9 quadrupole moment to that of Li7 was derived from their respective quadrupole couplings in LiNbO3; the value is |Q(Li9)Q(Li7)|=0.88±0.18. Both results are in agreement with shell model predictions.