Measuring |Vub| with BDs+Xu transitions

We propose the determination of the CKM matrix element |Vub| by the measurement of the spectrum of BDs+Xu, dominated by the spectator quark model mechanism b¯Ds(*)+ū. The interest in considering BDs+Xu versus the semileptonic decay is that more than 50% of the spectrum for BDs+Xu occurs above the kinematical limit for BDs+Xc, while most of the spectrum BlνXu occurs below the BlνXc one. Furthermore, the measure of the hadronic mass MX is easier in the presence of an identified Ds than when a ν has been produced. As a consistency check, we point out that the rate b¯Ds(*)+c¯ (including QCD corrections) is consistent with the measured BR(BDs±X) by CLEO. Although the hadronic complications may be more severe in the decay mode that we propose than in the semileptonic inclusive decay, the end of the spectrum in BlνXu is not well understood on theoretical grounds. We argue that, in our case, the excited mesons Ds**, decaying into DK, do not contribute and, if there is tagging of the B meson, the other mechanisms to produce a Ds of the right sign are presumably small, of O(102) relative to the spectator amplitude, or can be controlled by kinematical cuts. We discuss in detail the hadronic uncertainties of the method and present an error calculation on |Vqb| (q=u,c) and on the ratio