Hypoglycemia Associated with Carcinoma of the Cecum and Syndrome of Testicular Feminization

SINCE Doege's first description of a nonpancreatic tumor associated with hypoglycemia1 at least 58 further reports have appeared. Lowbeer2 has recently summarized 49 cases, and 10 other cases have been added since.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Thirty-four of the reported cases represent hypoglycemia associated with tumors of mesodermal origin. Nearly all these tumors were very large, weighing 0.7 to 9.0 kg., and were located retroperitoneally, in the mediastinum, attached to the diaphragm or in the pelvis. The remaining cases include 5 carcinomas of the adrenal cortex, some of which were associated with metabolic and endocrine changes related to the type of steroid hormone produced . . .