A monoclonal antibody with reactivity restricted to normal and neoplastic plasma cells.

A monoclonal antibody that defines a new and distinct plasma cell antigen, termed PC-1, was developed against human plasmacytoma cells. This antigen is strongly expressed on normal plasma cells isolated from bone marrow and on abnormal plasma cells isolated from myelomas, plasma cell leukemias, and plasmacytomas. The antigen is not detected on normal T or B lymphocytes, granulocytes, or monocytes, and with the exception of plasma cells, is absent on malignancies of B, T, or myeloid origin. Utilizing pokeweed mitogen to induce human B lymphocyte differentiation in vitro, PC-1 is expressed when B cell determinants are lost and the plasmacytoid morphology, intracytoplasmic immunoglobulin-staining, and surface PCA-1- and T10-staining characteristic of plasma cells appear. This antigen is useful for the study of the terminal stages of normal B cell differentiation to plasma cells, and may offer insight into the heterogeneity of the plasma cell dyscrasias.