Neuro-ophthalmic sarcoidosis.

Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disorder in which ocular involvement occurs in about one-quarter and neurosarcoidosis in 7 per cent of patients. When the retina is involved, the reported incidence of central nervous system sarcoidosis is 37 per cent. The patient described had a transient papular eruption of the legs, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, polyarthralgia with knee effusions, and bilateral facial and peripheral neuropathy. Ocular involvement was characterized by anterior uveitis (in the initial stages), vitreous flare, bilateral disc oedema, macular oedema, streak haemorrhages, peripheral periphlebitis, nerve fibre bundle defects, and candle-wax spots. Fluorescein angiography showed no fluorescence of the candle-wax spots nor of the adjacent vessels. However, there was hyperfluorescence of two retinal lesions. This patient had unilateral internal ophthalmoplegia, only three cases of which have been reported in the literature. Her health was restored by heavy, prolonged corticosteroid therapy. Her family history revealed that an uncle died of sarcoidosis complicated by cryptococcal meningitis. The literature on retinopathy in sarcoidosis is reviewed and the lesions noted in the posterior segment are listed.

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