The critical behavior of a semi-infinite n-vector model with anisotropic ferromagnetic pair interactions on the surface and isotropic interactions everywhere else is studied with the use of renormalization-group methods for dimension d=4ε. The effects of surface anisotropies are analyzed near the isotropic ordinary transition (where they produce corrections to scaling), near the isotropic special transition (where they are relevant perturbations), and near a new class of "anisotropic special" transitions. The latter occur if the surface exchange constants associated with me (easy-magnetization) components take a critical value above which me-component surface order is possible while the interaction constants of the remaining mh=nme (hard-magnetization) components are weaker. Of particular interest is the anisotropic special transition with an easy axis (me=1) because it occurs also in three dimensions, in contrast to the isotropic special one. The associated critical, crossover, and correction-to-scaling exponents are given to second order in ε.