Aneuploid Analysis of Anther Culture Response in Wheat

Genetic stocks of Triticum aestivum including the disomic, 8 ditelosomic and 3 nullisomic‐tetrasomic ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat lines were employed to ascertain the chromosomal arm locations of the genes acting on the production of embryos from micro‐spores and on the regeneration capacity (green and albina) of the microspore‐derived embryos. All these aneuploid lines differed significantly from the parental line ‘Chinese Spring’ for embryo production. Our results confirmed or in most cases established that genes affecting embryo production are located on several chromosomal arms: IBS, 1BL, 3AS, 3AL, 5AS, SAL, 5BS, 5BL, 7DS, 7DL. Whereas most of the chromosomal arms stimulate the production of embryos from the microspores, IBS and 1BL reduce it. The results of plant production from microspore‐derived embryos suggest that the genes increasing regeneration ability are located on CS5A chromosome and are likely associated to a gene increasing green plant frequency. On the contrary, the 1BL arm increases the albina frequency.