Anther cultures of Petunia lines and hybrids at different levels of heterozygosity were tested under similar conditions with the following results: the yield of androgenetic plants is conditionned in Petunia by two important distinct factors, i.e., yield of embryos and quality of these same embryos. yield of embryos is directly linked to the heterozygosity of the mother plant from which the anthers are harvested. quality of embryos is expressed as the capacity to give viable plants. This character is carried by certain lines and transmitted to their progeny. It does not appear as a monogenic factor. Non triploid plant production remains a rare, non-heritable event in the studied genotypes. the yield of androgenetic plants is conditionned in Petunia by two important distinct factors, i.e., yield of embryos and quality of these same embryos. yield of embryos is directly linked to the heterozygosity of the mother plant from which the anthers are harvested. quality of embryos is expressed as the capacity to give viable plants. This character is carried by certain lines and transmitted to their progeny. It does not appear as a monogenic factor. Non triploid plant production remains a rare, non-heritable event in the studied genotypes.