The v-ski oncogene encodes a truncated set of c-ski coding exons with limited sequence and structural relatedness to v-myc.

The nucleotide sequence of a biologically active v-ski gene from a cloned proviral segment shows that ski is a 1,312-base sequence embedded in the p19 region of the avian leukosis virus gag gene. The v-ski sequence contains a single open translational reading frame that encodes a polypeptide with a molecular mass of 49,000 daltons. The predicted amino acid sequence includes nuclear localization motifs that have been identified in other nuclear oncoproteins. It also contains a proline-rich region and a set of cysteine and histidine residues that could constitute a metal-binding domain. Two regions of the amino acid sequences of v-ski and v-myc are related, and the two proteins exhibit similar distributions of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids. Cloned segments of the chicken c-ski proto-oncogene totaling 65 kilobases have been analyzed, and regions related to v-ski have been sequenced. The results indicate that v-ski is derived from at least five coding exons of c-ski, that it is correctly spliced, and that it is missing c-ski coding sequences at both its 5' and 3' ends. The c-ski and avian leukosis virus sequences that overlap the 5' virus/v-ski junction in Sloan-Kettering virus contain an 18-of-20-base sequence match that presumably played a role in the transduction of ski by facilitating virus/c-ski recombination.