Treatment of severe recalcitrant dermatoses of the palms and soles with PUVA‐bath versus PUVA‐cream therapy

PUVA-bath therapy developed into a first line topical PUVA therapy, and gel and cream preparations have been described as alternative modes of topical 8-MOP application. Because bath-PUVA can be difficult to manage, topical PUVA therapy using 8-MOP gel or cream preparations may become an important alternative when treating localised skin diseases. However, controlled comparisons of efficacy with this alternative topical PUVA therapy are lacking. We therefore compared the efficacy of PUVA-cream therapy with PUVA-bath therapy in 12 patients with recalcitrant dermatoses of the palms and soles using a left/right trial design. These patients responded well to both treatment modalities, meaning that both could be used successfully to treat recalcitrant dermatoses of the palms and soles.