d-dimensional turbulence

d-dimensional homogeneous isotropic incompressible turbulence is defined, for arbitrary nonintegral d, by analytically continuing the Taylor expansion in time of the energy spectrum Ek(t), assuming Gaussian initial conditions. If d<2, the positivity of the energy spectrum is not necessarily preserved in time. For d2 all steady-state and initial-value calculations have been made with a realizable second-order closure, the eddy-damped quasi normal Markovian approximation. Near two dimensions the enstrophy (mean square vorticity) conservation law is weakly broken, enough to allow ultraviolet singularities to develop in a finite time but not enough to prevent energy from cascading in the infrared direction. A systematic investigation is made of zero-transfer (inertial) steady-state scaling solutions Ekkm and of their stability. Energy-inertial solutions with m=53 exist for arbitrary d; the direction of the energy cascade reverses at d=dc2.05. For d<dc2.06 there are in addition, as in the cascade model studied by Bell and Nelkin, inertial solutions with zero energy flux; their exponents m(d) are given by a roughly parabolic curve in the (m, d) plane, linking enstrophy cascade (m=3, d=2) to enstrophy equipartition (m=1, d=2) For any point in the (m, d) plane such that the transfer integral is finite and negative, a steady-state scaling solution Ekkm is obtained when the fluid is subject to random forces with spectrum Fkk3(m1)2. A special case is the "model B" [m=1=23ε+O(ε2), d=4ε] obtained by Forster, Nelson, and Stephen using a dynamical renormalization-group procedure. Forced steady-state solutions are actually not resticted to the neighborhood of m=1, d=4; they are amenable to renormalization-group calculations on the primitive equations for arbitrary d>2 when m is close to the crossover -1 and, perhaps, also near the crossover +3.

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