Effects of season and urea treatment on infection of stumps of Picea abies by Heterobasidion annosum in stands on former arable land

Between 1986 and 1990, a series of thinnings were made in previously unthinned first‐rotation stands on former arable land located in the southern half of Sweden. The aim was to evaluate the effects of season and urea treatment on the frequency of infection of stumps of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) by the root‐rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. Untreated stumps, resulting from 60 thinnings (22–100 stumps each, altogether ca 3000 stumps) made at different times of year, were investigated 3–24 months after cutting to determine whether they were infected with H. annosum. On average only 2% of the stumps from thinnings made in November‐February were infected, whereas the incidence of infection among stumps thinned in June‐July was 34%. Two methods of treating stumps with urea to prevent stump infection by H. annosum after thinning were evaluated in terms of effectiveness. The freshly cut stumps were treated with a 20% urea solution, transformed to a gel by adding 0.2% carboxymethyl cellulose, or with a 30% urea solution. On average, the reduction in infection rate obtained was 62% with the first method and 85% with the latter. In a separate study involving a concentration series of urea, there was a considerable drop in protection efficiency, from 89% to 58%, when the concentration was decreased from 30% to 15%.