We compare the electronic structure of the idealized tetragonal model of Bi2 Sr2 CuO6 with that of the more realistic orthorhombic √2 × √2 cell as determined by Torardi and collaborators. The distortions, which involve atomic displacements as large as 0.45 Å, shift the Bi-O(3) derived bands at the Fermi level strongly, and change the number of Fermi surfaces and their topology. We emphasize that such complications, which are probably even larger in Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8, must be taken into acount in the interpretation of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), since we find for this compound several Fermi surfaces in the region of the M¯ point where flat bands are seen in ARPES data. These effects will also affect the interpretation of the measured superconducting energy gap over the Fermi surface(s).