An incubation system for the NMR study of kidney tubules

Isolated kidney cortical tubules require a very rapid oxygen supply and mechanical agitation to be optimally functional. A sample chamber in which a tubule suspension is oxygenated by recirculating oxygen gas inside a coil of dialysis fibers to avoid cell loss through bubbling and in which the tubules are agitated by a gas‐driven turbine has been designed. In such a system, dog cortical tubules (35‐45 mg/ml) were found to be metabolically stable for more than 3 h as indicated by linear lactate consumption and glucose production. Small pH variations resulting from carbon dioxide and bicarbonate productions were measured. Good‐quality 23Na NMR spectra of dog kidney cortical tubules were recorded with such a system, allowing a I‐min time resolution. The authors are particularly grateful to Mr. Michel Brunette, Groupe de Recherche en Transport Membranaire, for the construction of the NMR chamber. The technical assistance of Mrs. Pierrette Fournel, Mr. Jacques Sénécal, and Mrs. Josette Noël is gratefully acknowledged. This project was supported by the Kidney Foundation of Canada and the Medical Research Council of Canada. H.A. is the recipient of a Medical Research Council studentship. Y.B. is chercheur‐boursier of the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec. © 1989 Academic Press, Inc.

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