The toxic effects on rabbit eyes of 2 intravitreally injected fibrinolytic substances at different concentrations were studied with repeated clinical observations and registrations of the DC ERG. The fellow, control eye of each animal was injected with saline. Urokinase (Ukidan, Serono) (13 rabbits) initially produced aqueous flare (64%), iris hyperaemia (36%) vitreous opacities (27%) and small retinal haemorrhages (18%). 2-3 months after the injection cataract (50%), vitreous opacities (25%) and retinal changes (13%) were observed. The highest dose (10 000 Ploug units) caused reduction of the ERG b-wave, as a sign of retinal toxicity. Tissue activator (D-44, Centre d'immunologie et de biologie Pierre Fabre) (10 rabbits) produced marked aqueous flare (initially 100%, after 2 weeks 50%) and pronounced, persistent vitreous opacities (25% after 2-3 months). At the late stage corneal blood vessels (38%) and cataract (38%) were also found, but only in eyes injected with the highest dose (1000 units), which was retinotoxic as judged by the ERG (reduced b- and c-waves).

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