Differences between smectic homo‐ and co‐polysiloxanes as a consequence of microphase separation

This paper compares smectic phases formed from LC‐homo‐ and LC‐co‐polysiloxanes. In the homopolysiloxane, each repeating unit of the polymer chain is substituted with a mesogen, whereas in the copolysiloxanes mesogenic repeating units are separated by dimethylsiloxane units. Despite a rather similiar phase sequence of the homo‐ and co‐polysiloxanes—higher ordered smectic, smectic C* (SmC*), smectic A (SmA) and isotropic—the nature of their phases differs strongly. For the copolymers the phase transition SmC* to SmA is second order and of the ‘de Vries’ type with a very small thickness change of the smectic layers. Inside the SmA phase, however, the smectic thickness decreases strongly on approaching the isotropic phase. For the homopolymer the phase transition SmC* to SmA is first order with a significant thickness change, indicating that this phase is not of the ‘de Vries’ type. This difference in the nature of the smectic phases is probably a consequence of microphase separation in the copolymer, which facilitates a loss of the tilt angle correlation between different smectic layers. This has consequences for the mechanical properties of LC‐elastomers formed from homo‐ and co‐polymers. For the elastomers from homopolymers the smectic layer compression seems to be rather high, while it seems to be rather small for the copolymers.