Critical behavior in ferromagnetic Fe[S2CN(C2H5)2]2C1

Magnetic-susceptibility and sublattice-magnetization data are analyzed with correction-to-scaling terms included. Critical exponents γ=1.165±0.03 and β=0.245±0.02 are deduced, with the assumption of modified power-law expressions χ0=Γtγ(1+aχtΔ) and m(TTC)=B|t|β(1+aM|t|Δ) with Δ=0.493, aχ=0.207, and aM=0.156. Γ=1.47±0.07 emu/mole, or Γr=1.07±0.05 for the reduced susceptibility, and B=1.30±0.05 are also determined. Γr is larger than most theoretical estimates for the Ising model on various three-dimensional lattices. B is smaller than theoretical results. The amplitude ratio ΓrB is about 0.83, larger than theoretical values for this nonuniversal but only weakly lattice-dependent quantity. Heat-capacity data are sparse and less reliably analyzed, but suggest abnormally large values of α (> 0.3) and rather small values of A (0.2 to 0.5) in CR=Atα+B. Including a correction-to-scaling term does not alter this conclusion. The ratio RC=AB2Γr is in the range 0.12 to 0.33, substantially less than theoretical values for this universal quantity. A straightforward explanation for the unusual critical behavior is not apparent.