Determination of amino acid digestibility using caecectomised and intact adult cockerels

1. Four subsamples of meat and bone meal (MBM) were heated (150 °C) for 0, 1.5, 3 and 5 h and then incorporated into four individual diets (100 g MBM/kg diet). 2. The diets were precision‐fed to 10 caecectomised and 10 intact adult cockerels. 3. The apparent amino acid digestibility (ApAAD) and true amino acid digestibility (TAAD) of the diets were determined by analysis of the excreta. 4. The digestibility coefficients measured using caecectomised birds were lower than those determined with intact birds. 5. Coefficients of digestibility were statistically examined by analysis of variance for the effects of bird type (caecectomised or intact), type of calculation (apparent or true) and diet (heat‐treatment) with and without accommodation for individual bird variability. 6. If individual bird variability was not considered in the analysis the bird type×diet interactions (PP<0.01) bird type×diet interactions occurred for aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid, leucine, tyrosine and lysine and the precision of the data was markedly improved. 8. Amino acid digestibility using the precision‐feeding procedure is affected by the selection of either intact or caecectomised birds.