Practical Use of Scale Up and Parallel Reservoir Simulation Technologies in Field Studies

Scale up and parallel reservoir simulation represent two distinct approaches for the simulation of highly detailed geological or geostatistical reservoir models. In this paper, we discuss the complementary use of these two approaches for practical, large scale reservoir simulation problems. We first review our recently developed approaches for upscaling and parallel reservoir simulation. Then, several practical large scale modeling problems, which include simulations of multiple realizations of a waterflood pattern element, a four well sector model, and a large, 130 well segment model, are addressed. It is shown that, for the pattern waterflood model, significantly coarsened models provide reliable results for many aspects of the reservoir flow. However, the simulation of at least some of the fine scale geostatistical realizations, accomplished using our parallel reservoir simulation technology, is useful in determining the appropriate level of scale up. For models with a large number of wells, the upscaled models can lose accuracy as the grid is coarsened. In these cases, although field-wide performance can still be predicted with reasonable accuracy, parallel reservoir simulation is required to maintain sufficiently refined models capable of accurate flow results on a well by well basis. Finally, some issues concerning the use of highly detailed models in practical simulation studies are discussed.