Parastatistics, Dyons, and Dyonium

It is pointed out that if the bound state (BS) of two normal or para particles (say, dyons) having electric and magnetic charges (e1, g1) and (e2, g2) is a normal or para particle, (i) the BS is a normal or para boson if both dyons are normal or para bosons or normal or para fermions, and (ii) it is a normal or para fermion if one dyon is a normal or para boson and the other a normal or para fermion. This observation, combined with the regular connection between spin and statistics and the Dirac quantization condition, e1g2e2g1=ν, yields only integer values of ν for the BS. Thus the dyonium model of proton expounded by Barut is invalidated. But it can be rescued if the regular connection between spin and statistics is violated for dyons so that one of the spinless dyons, of which the dyonium is made, is a normal boson and the other a spin-0 fermion. Comments are made concerning this violation along the lines of Greenberg and Messiah. Also, comments are made concerning the significance of the O(4,2) wave equation used by Barut in the relativistic domain.

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