Malignant progression of a mouse fibrosarcoma by host cells reactive to a foreign body (gelatin sponge)

The QR regressor tumour (QR-32), a fibrosarcoma which is unable to grow progressively in normal syngeneic C57BL/6 mice, was able to grow progressively in 13 out of 22 mice (59%) when it was subcutaneously coimplanted with gelatin sponge. We established four culture tumour lines from the resultant tumours (QRsP tumour lines). These QRsP tumour lines were able to grow progressively in mice even in the absence of gelatin sponge. The ability of QRsP tumour cells to colonise the lungs after intravenous injection and to produce high amounts of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) during in vitro cell culture was much greater than that of parent QR-32 cells. These biological characteristics of QR-32 cells and QRsP tumour cells were found to be stable for at least 6 months when they were maintained in culture. We also observed that QR-32 cells were able to grow progressively in five out of 12 (42%) mice after coimplantation with plastic non-adherent peritoneal cells obtained from mice which had been intraperitoneally implanted with gelatin sponge. These host cells reactive to gelatin sponge increased the production of high amounts of PGE2 by QR-32 cells during 48 h coculture. Preliminary in vitro studies implicated the involvement of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical as some of the factors necessary to induce QR-32 cells to produce high amounts of PGE2 and to accelerate tumour progression.