Marked Granulocytosis in C57BL/6 Mice Bearing a Transplanted BMT-11 Fibrosarcoma2

When a 3-methylcholanthrene (CAS: 56-49-5)-induced fibrosarcoma, BMT-11, and its eight clones were transplanted sc into syngeneic C57BL/6 mice, leukemoid reaction characterized by a progressive increase in peripheral white blood cells (WBCs) and by splenomegaly was observed as the tumors grew. The WBC count reached about fortyfold of the normal level, and more than 90% of WBCs were found to be polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The increase in WBCs was correlated with tumor size, and its count decreased to normal level within 7 days after surgical excision of subcutaneous tumors. Moreover, a high level of colony-stimulating activity was detected in the supernatant of BMT-11 culture. These results suggest that the colony-stimulating factor produced by BMT-11 cells caused granulocytosis in mice. This is the first report of the marked degree of granulocytosis induced by a transplanted tumor in C57BL/6 strain mice.