Semiconductor microwave mirror for a measurement of the dynamical Casimir effect

According to QED a metallic mirror set in motion in quantum vacuum gives rise to “dissipated” energy in the form of real photons. This phenomenon, called dynamical Casimir effect, has never been observed due to unsolved technical difficulties: in order to obtain an experimentally measurable number of photons from vacuum fluctuations a reflecting surface has in fact to vibrate at very high frequencies (≃109 Hz). As these frequencies are too high to be achieved with a purely mechanical oscillation, our idea is to switch an effective microwave mirror on and off at very short intervals of time changing the reflectivity of a semiconductor layer by shining a pulsed laser beam on its surface. The first step to study the feasibility of this technique is to show that a semiconductor slab when illuminated by a laser behaves indeed as a metal. This article presents the measurements that confirm this demand, obtained by uniformly illuminating large (several square centimeters) surfaces of silicon and GaAs.