In a double-blind and cross-over study 12 healthy subjects temazepam 20 mg in two different formulations (soft gelatine capsule or uncoated tablet) and matched placebo at one-week intervals. Plasma temazepam concentrations at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 8, 12 and 24 hours after treatment were analyzed by gas chromatography. Psychomotor performance was measured objectively (digit symbol substitution, letter cancellation, Maddox wing test) and subjectively (visual analogue scales) before the drug intake and 1, 2 and 3 hours later and the plasma benzodiazepine concentrations were analyzed also by radioreceptor bioassay. The two different formulations were compared in pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic terms, and the gas chromatographic and radioreceptor assays were compared. The soft gelatine capsule produced higher peak plasma concentrations than the uncoated tablet. The computed AUCs and elimination half-lives proved to be similar after either formulation. A satisfactory correlation between the bioassayed benzodiazepine concentrations and chemically assayed temazepam was shown. In pharmacodynamic terms the results suggest a shorter and somewhat smaller subjective response for the capsule than for the tablet form.